Fagun Purnima

Fagun Purnima

              Fagun Purnima or Holi- To spray colours in the valley

Holi, Hori or Faguwa is among the most vibrant festivals of Nepal. This festival of colours is celebrated by each year in Nepali community. This is celebrated for two days in Nepal: Fagu Purnima on the first day and holi on the second day in the Terai region. Locals also put ‘Chir’, a bamboo pole, decorated with strips of colourful cloth representing good luck prosperity, indicating the onset of the Holi festival. During Fagu Purnima, people also collect firewood and light bonfire to celebrate the death of Holika, the demon who tried to kill Vishnu. Just like the people of India, Nepalese also celebrate holi in Nepal with dry colours, water sprays, water guns and balloons.

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